A Guide to the Divorce Process in the UK

A Guide to the Divorce Process in the UK

Divorce can be an emotionally and legally complex process. In the UK, the divorce process involves several stages, each with specific requirements and implications. This blog provides an overview of what to expect and how to navigate each stage effectively.

Understanding the Grounds for Divorce

According to the law in the United Kingdom, majorly in Scotland, before a person can initiate a divorce process, it must be shown that the marriage has broken down irretrievably This can be done by sufficient proof of several facts such as; adultery, unreasonable behaviour, separation for at least one year with consent, or separation for at least two years without consent, and desertion.

No-Fault Divorce System: In England and Wales, the introduction of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 has led to the establishment of a no-fault divorce system. This reform simplifies the divorce process by removing the obligation to prove any wrongdoing. Instead, it suffices to indicate that the marriage has irretrievably broken down.

This adjustment removes the need for blame and conflict during an already emotional period, protecting children from the distress of witnessing their parents’ disputes. Importantly, it prevents one partner from vengefully contesting the divorce, which could otherwise result in the other being trapped in an unhappy marriage. I

n certain cases, domestic abusers may misuse their right to challenge the divorce to further victimization or to maintain control over their partners. These reforms are intended to eliminate such harmful behaviours.

Fling the Divorce Application

You can apply for divorce online through the government’s Divorce Online service or by completing a paper application form (D8).

Complete the Application: Provide necessary details such as:

  • Full names and addresses of both parties.
  • Date and place of marriage.
  • Confirmation that the marriage has irretrievably broken down.
  • Poof of Marriage certificate

It is now possible for you to file a divorce application together with your spouse. If you select this option, both of you will be recognized as joint applicants. However, if you choose to proceed alone, you will be referred to as the applicant, and your spouse will be considered the respondent.

Respondent’s Acknowledgment

The next step in the divorce process is known as the ‘acknowledgment of service.’ This entails providing evidence to the court that both parties are aware of the proceedings and have had the opportunity to respond. The method of proceeding will differ depending on whether the divorce application is made jointly with your spouse or filed individually.

When an individual files for divorce independently, the other spouse, referred to as the respondent, will receive a copy of the divorce petition along with an acknowledgment of service form. The respondent is required to complete and return this form within 14 days, indicating whether they consent to the divorce or plan to contest it.

Conversely, if a couple submits a joint divorce application, they are considered joint applicants, eliminating the need for a respondent to acknowledge service. In this case, both parties will receive an acknowledgment of service receipt, confirming that their application is under processing, and the application will progress automatically to the subsequent stage of the divorce proceedings.

The Reflection Period

Once the service has been acknowledged, your divorce application will undergo a waiting period of 20 weeks. Upon the conclusion of this period, you may advance to the next step. This phase is commonly referred to as the ‘reflection period’ or ‘cooling off period.’

It is intended to assist you and your spouse in reaching a consensus regarding the division of financial responsibilities and the care of your children, as well as to provide an opportunity for personal reflection on the divorce. Although it is recommended to use this time for discussions with your spouse, you need not be concerned if an agreement is not achieved. You are still able to progress to the next stage.

Application for a Conditional Order

Upon the completion of 20 weeks, you are eligible to apply for a conditional order. This order acts as a formal acknowledgment from the court that there are no objections to your divorce. If you opt to file for divorce online, guidance will be provided on how to proceed with the conditional order application through the online system. Alternatively, you may apply by mail using Form D84.

The conditional order is the first of two essential court orders in the divorce process, with the final order being the second. These have replaced the earlier orders known as decree nisi and decree absolute. While they operate in a similar manner, there are key differences; for example, the decree nisi application requires you to state your reasons for seeking a divorce, which is not necessary for the conditional order.

Furthermore, it is important to understand that if your divorce was initiated before 6 April 2022, you will be subject to the previous divorce laws, which require the application for a decree nisi and a decree absolute.

Review of Conditional Order

Should the court grant approval for your divorce application, you will receive a Certificate of Entitlement, which will verify the date of your conditional order. This process generally requires a few weeks to complete.

Financial Order Application

The six-week waiting period provides an opportunity to apply for a financial consent order. In the course of the divorce process, reaching a financial agreement with your spouse is crucial. The financial consent order is what transforms this agreement into a legally binding contract. While it is not a requirement for divorce, it is highly recommended to secure this order to avoid potential financial claims from your spouse against your estate in the future. After the court grants the financial order, all financial obligations to your spouse will be terminated.

Application for a Final Order

A period of six weeks and one day following the issuance of the Conditional Order by the Court allows you to submit an application for a Final Order. This Final Order serves to legally dissolve your marriage, and it is crucial to retain this document securely, as it may be required in the future. Should the application for the Final Order be made more than 12 months after the Conditional Order was granted, the applicant must provide an explanation to the Court for the delay. If you are the respondent, you may file your application three months later if the applicant has not yet done so.


Addressing Finances

Addressing the financial distribution in a divorce is often perceived as the most complex challenge. It is important to note that the financial settlement is treated as a distinct matter from the divorce itself. As a result, individuals may find themselves legally divorced while still having financial responsibilities towards their former spouse. You will need to make decisions regarding the division of your assets, which encompass homes, vehicles, savings, and retirement accounts. To ensure that your agreement is legally binding, it is advisable to consult a solicitor who can draft a financial consent order.

Duration and Cost of Divorce in the UK

In the United Kingdom, the minimum duration for a divorce is six months. This timeframe includes a mandatory waiting period of 26 weeks that must be observed during the divorce proceedings. Typically, the overall duration may extend beyond this initial period due to the time required to finalize financial arrangements, which can vary significantly from one case to another. Generally, individuals can anticipate that the entire process, including the divorce and financial settlement, will take approximately one year.

A divorce application incurs a fee of £593. In addition to this legal expense, you must also account for your solicitor’s fees and work towards achieving a financial settlement with your ex-partner. By opting for eLegal consultants, you can benefit from professional guidance through the divorce process while managing your expenses effectively.


Divorce in the UK, especially with the introduction of the no-fault system, aims to simplify the process and reduce conflict. Understanding each step from filing the initial application to finalizing financial arrangements can help you navigate the process more effectively.

If you are trying to navigate the complexities of divorce in the UK, contacting eLegal Consultants can provide invaluable assistance. Our team of expert advisors is well-versed in UK family law and can guide you through every step of the process, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you understand your options.

Whether you need help with legal documentation, court procedures, or negotiating settlements, eLegal Consultants offers professional support tailored to your specific needs.Contact us today!

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